Meet Our Team

Our team consists of highly skilled and experienced professionals who are passionate about global education. Each member brings a unique set of skills and experiences to the table.

Our Team

Bianca Headshot
Bianca Duphey
Director, Academic Innovations


Kirsten Headshot
Kirsten Hagen
Manager, Global Education


Atara headshot
Atara Muhammad
Specialist, Global Programs

Originally from Houston, TX, Atara was exposed to global education at an early age. She had the privilege of studying abroad in Lima, Peru in high school which led her to pursue a minor in Spanish. At the University of Miami, her study abroad experience in South Africa led her to declare her major in educations. As the Global Programs Specialist, Atara gets to fuse her love of cultural exploration and education to help students open their world to new possibilities.

Caroline headshot
Caroline Faircloth
Specialist, Global Studies


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